Contemporary Fiction, Thriller, Biographies & Memoirs, Action & Adventure, Romantic Suspense, Mystery, Romantic Comedy, Historical Romance, Romance, Science Fiction… today’s featured books have a little something for everyone!

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Swept off Her Feet Over 600 5-Star Reviews!

Evie Nicholson is in love…with the past.

An antiques appraiser in a London shop, Evie spins fanciful attachments to Victorian picture frames, French champagne glasses, satin evening gloves, and tattered teddy bears—regardless of their monetary value.

Alice Nicholson is in love…with Fraser Graham, a dashing Scotsman whom Evie secretly desires. As crisply neat and stylish as Evie is cheerfully cluttered, Alice is a professional organizer determined to pull her sister out of her comfort zone—and who presents her with an irresistible offer.

As a favor to friends of Fraser’s family, Evie jumps at the chance to appraise a Scottish castle full of artifacts and heirlooms. What could be more thrilling than roaming the halls of Kettlesheer and uncovering the McAndrews’ family treasures—and dusty secrets?

But crossing paths with moody heir Robert McAndrew has Evie assessing what she wants the most…and at an upcoming candlelight gala, a traditional dance will set her heart reeling.

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Dragon Tears: A Thriller Over 1,000 5-Star Reviews!

A cop races against time to prevent his own death in this heart-pounding thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Dean Koontz.

Harry Lyon is a rational man, a cop who refuses to let his job harden his soul. His partner urges him to surrender to the chaos of life. But Harry believes in order and reason. Then one fateful day, he’s forced to shoot a man—and a homeless stranger with bloodshot eyes utteres the haunting words that challenge Harry Lyon’s sanity…

“Ticktock, ticktock. You’ll be dead in sixteen hours…Dead by dawn…Dead by dawn…Dead by dawn…”

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Leonard: My Fifty-Year Friendship with a Remarkable Man Over 800 5-Star Reviews!

Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner first crossed paths as actors on the set of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Little did they know that their next roles as Spock and Captain Kirk, in a new science fiction television series, would shape their lives in ways no one could have anticipated.

Over the course of half a century, Shatner and Nimoy saw each other through personal and professional highs and lows. In this powerfully emotional book, Shatner tells the story of a man who was his friend for five decades, recounting anecdotes and untold stories of their lives on and off set, as well as gathering stories from others who knew Nimoy well, to present a full picture of a rich life.

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The Secret Weapon (Alexander King Book 1) Over 3,800 5-Star Reviews!

He died for his country. Now he’s the CIA’s deadliest secret. And the only way to stop the violent terrorist insurgence is to hope they never see him coming.

A year after his family buried a body they thought was his, Alexander King, the CIA’s most elite assassin scours London for his latest target. When he saves a young woman from a car bomb, he inadvertently steps into the most intricate terrorist plot in US history.

And it’s already in motion.

An airliner crashes into a crowded stadium in Florida. A string of explosions cripples the NYC subway system. But those are merely smoke screens.

The real plan isn’t just to wound the United States, they want to control it. And the pragmatic terrorist organization that has been building a network of traitors in America for years, is now large enough to pull it off.

With the world’s most powerful nation descending into chaos, and no one he can trust, King must take matters into his own hands. Find the head of the snake and cut it off or lose his country forever. The stakes have never been higher.

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The Talk of Coyote Canyon: A Novel Over 300 5-Star Reviews!

She’s not here to make friends. She’s here to make trouble.

With her piercings, tattoos and spiky blond hair, Ellen Truesdale doesn’t quite fit in with the other folks in Coyote Canyon—and that’s just fine with her. She’s only here to put her father out of business, as payback for abandoning her when she was young.

Or is she more interested in finally proving that she was worth keeping?

Either way, she’s struggling to keep her rival well-drilling company afloat. And being a single woman in a male-dominated field has started to take a toll. So when Hendrix Durrant steps in to help, Ellen has no choice but to let him—even though he happens to be her father’s business partner and therefore her enemy. But the closer she works with him, the more she sees what she’s been missing…in life and love. And once she lets go of her anger long enough to learn the truth about her past, she might just find the family she’s always wanted.

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Private Scandals Over 2,600 5-Star Reviews!

Nora Roberts presents a captivating novel set in the world of television talk shows that reveals the ambitious dreams of a savvy young woman—and the dark obsessions that threaten all she’s worked for…

Deanna Reynolds had it all planned: She’d start out in the newsroom of a small Chicago station, then move up to host her own talk show. When her mentor Angela Perkins leaves for New York, Deanna risks everything for the chance to replace Angela on the air.

The network’s sexiest journalist, Finn Riley, admires Deanna’s daring ambition. But soon they are caught up in the bitter backlash of Angela’s revenge—and they must unmask the hidden betrayals of Deanna’s fiercest rival by taking the biggest risk of all…

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Seams Like Murder (A Sewing Studio Mystery Book 1) Abbey Chandler needs a new start and a place to escape, so Hideaway Grove, where she spent her childhood summers, seems like a perfect choice. Once there, she takes up a rewarding new hobby—but also gets tangled up in a hit-and-run homicide.

Abbey has barely arrived in the quaint, quiet town of Hideaway Grove before things turn from blissful to bloody—as the new librarian is mowed down by a car. The only witness on the scene isn’t much help, aside from handing Abbey the bag of books dropped by the victim. Even worse, the sheriff’s office seizes Abbey’s car because of a suspicious dent in the right front fender.

While she waits for the problem to be sorted out, Abbey is drawn into a charity sewing project—even though she can’t tell a bobbin from a seam ripper. Before she knows it, she’s graduating from pillowcase dresses to aprons, setting up a studio in a back room of her aunt’s bakery, and making plans to participate in the upcoming craft fair. But through it all, she keeps looking for patterns and possible conflicts in the late librarian’s personal, professional, and romantic life. Then a shocking discovery sends her in a new direction, and as the truth begins to unspool, she’s got a notion about who’s guilty…

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House on Fire: A Novel (A Nick Heller Novel Book 4) Over 1,000 5-Star Reviews!

In New York Times bestselling author Joseph Finder’s electrifying new thriller, private investigator Nick Heller infiltrates a powerful wealthy family hiding something sinister.

Nick Heller is at the top of his game when he receives some devastating news: his old army buddy Sean has died of an overdose. Sean, who once saved Nick’s life, got addicted to opioids after returning home wounded from war.

Then at Sean’s funeral, a stranger approaches Nick with a job, and maybe also a way for Nick to hold someone accountable.

The woman is the daughter of a pharmaceutical kingpin worth billions. Now she wants to become a whistleblower, exposing her father and his company for burying evidence that its biggest money-maker was dangerously addictive. It was a lie that killed hundreds of thousands of people, including Sean.

All Nick has to do is find the document that proves the family knew the drug’s dangers. But Nick soon realizes that the sins of the patriarch are just the beginning…

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Meet You in the Middle Over 800 5-Star Reviews!

What happens when the person you find most impossible becomes impossible to resist? The Hating Game meets The West Wing in this hilarious across-the-aisle romantic comedy debut about America’s least likely couple.

There’s just one thing standing between liberal Senate staffer Kate Adams and passage of the landmark legislation she’s been fighting for all year: Ben Mackenzie, intimidating gatekeeper for one of DC’s most powerful conservative senators. After Kate and Ben lock horns in a meet-not-so-cute, they vow to take each other down–by any means necessary.

Their ensuing power struggle gives new meaning to the term office politics: prank mail, spying, bets gone awry–nothing’s off limits in their battle of wills. She thinks he’s arrogant (and doesn’t deserve those gorgeous green eyes). He thinks she’s too quick to judge (and irresistibly distracting). But as their endless game of one-upmanship becomes Kate’s favorite part of the day, she starts to wonder if her feelings for Ben are closer to attraction than animosity…and maybe their sparring is flirting.

When Kate realizes there’s more to Ben than meets the eye, she’s forced to confront her biggest fear: In her sworn enemy, she may have found her perfect match…

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The Cat Who Sniffed Glue (Cat Who... Book 8) Over 1,000 5-Star Reviews!

When his cat Koko develops an odd obsession, Jim Qwilleran will have to sniff out the cause in this mystery in the New York Times bestselling The Cat Who series.

Having inherited millions, Jim Qwilleran and his two feline companions, Koko and Yum Yum, are preparing to settle down into a life of purrfect luxury in Pickax. That is, until the son of a rich banker and his wife are found murdered.

To the police it looks like a robbery gone awry. But then Koko develops an odd appetite for glue. Qwill doesn’t spot the clue until his beloved Siamese’s taste for paste tangles them in a web of love, danger, and their stickiest case yet!

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Highlander Unbound USA TODAY bestselling author Julia London begins her acclaimed Lockhart series in this stunning novel of a love that knows no bounds.

On leave from his Highland regiment, Captain Liam Lockhart comes to London on an urgent mission: to repossess the stolen family heirloom that could save his ancestral estate. He never dreamed it would involve surrendering his heart, but the beautiful and scandalous socialite Ellen Farnsworth sets his Highland blood aflame with a will as strong and reckless as his own. Though bound to Liam by a soul-searing passion, duty impels Ellen to commit a terrible betrayal.

Now, driven by passion, pride, and vengeance, this fearsome Highlander will reclaim not only his family’s ancient treasure, but the one daring woman he was meant to love for all time.

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Black Jasmine (Paradise Crime Mysteries, Book 3) Over 3,000 5-Star Reviews!

The island of Maui is turquoise ocean, stunning vistas, and whalesong – but organized crime has a hidden hold, and Detective Lei Texeira tracks evil that hides behind a beautiful face.

When a nameless teenage girl dies in an apparent vehicular suicide, Lei can’t rest until she finds out what really happened. She blazes through all the wealth and poverty of Maui island society in her quest for justice, rousing a deadly foe – even as she faces the personal demons of commitment and revenge that threaten the only real love she’s ever known.

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Starting Over (Middledip series Book 1) Over 1,500 5-Star Reviews!

Tess Riddell has just been dumped. By her fiancé. Via email.

Her life has been torn apart and she’s left to pick up the pieces. Alone. It’s time for a new start where nobody knows her. And Tess can’t imagine anywhere better than Honeybun Cottage in the peaceful village of Middledip.

But life has other plans. She crashes — quite literally — into a handsome stranger down a winding country lane.

Tess and Miles definitely don’t hit it off, though. He’s a fun-loving charmer, and Tess needs some stability right now. So no one is as shocked as she is when an unlikely friendship blossoms between them.

Then just as their relationship begins to develop into something deeper, old flames reappear and threaten Tess’s new beginning…

Can she find happiness in Miles’s arms, or will it take more than either of them is prepared to give?

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The Beam: Season One Over 350 5-Star Reviews!

All of humanity is connected… to The Beam and to the lie.

In the year 2097, the only stable nation is the NAU: a dystopia exploding with new technologies and ruled by two political parties. The choices are Enterprise (sink-or-swim; effort and luck determine whether members prosper or starve) or Directorate, where members are guaranteed safety but can never rise above their station.

Above it all is The Beam: an AI-built computer network that serves every whim and connects citizens through implants and biological add-ons.

The Beam anticipates every need and has created a world within the world. It permeates everything. And is everywhere.

But the NAU’s power is shifting. New powers are making their moves while others hang in the balance.

Behind it all, a shadowy group is pulling strings, and guiding the upcoming election exactly where they want it to go. The Beam is coming alive; immersion is as real as reality.

If the NAU’s power goes unchecked, the actions of a shadowy few will shape the fate of millions forever.

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