
The Devil and the Heiress (The Gilded Age Heiresses Book 2)

Historical Romance, Biographies & Memoirs, Contemporary Fiction, Humor, Romance, Historical Fiction, Cookbooks, Thriller, Young Adult, Mystery… today’s featured books have a little something for everyone!

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Mr. Perfect on Paper: A Novel

Romantic Comedy, Thriller, Nonfiction, Contemporary Fiction, Fantasy, Biographies & Memoirs, Historical Fiction, Romance, Mystery… today’s featured books have a little something for everyone!

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After a tragic car accident ruins his career, ex-rodeo star Slade Sutton puts down new roots at the Adams family ranch. His hectic job leaves little room for much else – but when his 10-year-old daughter lands on his doorstep with no one else to turn to, he has to step up. He knows he’ll need whatever help he can find – even if it is from flirtatious rancher Val Harding…