Romance, Mystery, Contemporary Fiction, Historical Fiction, Thriller, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Cookbooks… today’s featured books have a little something for everyone!
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Action & Adventure,
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November 3, 2024
in Limited Time Offers
Historical Fiction, Biographies & Memoirs, Romantic Comedy, Fantasy, Humor, Thriller, Romance, Contemporary Fiction, Action & Adventure, Nonfiction, Mystery, Historical Romance, Science Fiction… today’s featured books have a little something for everyone!
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Inspired by C. S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia, this wild and wondrous novel is a fairy tale for grown-ups who still knock on the back of wardrobes—just in case. As boys, best friends Jeremy Cox and Rafe Howell went missing in a vast West Virginia state forest, only to mysteriously reappear six months later with no explanation for where they’d gone or how they’d survived…