Contemporary Fiction

In this heart-rending tale of love and friendship, Jodi Picoult brings to life a familiar world, and in a single terrifying moment awakens every parent’s worst fear: We think we know our children… but do we ever really know them at all? This extraordinary, poignant novel paints an indelible portrait of two families in anguish and creates an astonishingly suspenseful courtroom drama as Chris is put on trial for murder.

Memories of May: An emotional and feel good women

Contemporary Fiction, Science Fiction, Romance, Western, Mystery, Thriller, Historical Fiction, Romantic Comedy, Young Adult, Fantasy… today’s featured books have a little something for everyone!

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Wild is the Witch

Paranormal, Nonfiction, Legal Thriller, Romance, Christian Fiction, Horror, Contemporary Fiction, Science Fiction, Mystery… today’s featured books have a little something for everyone!

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