Book of the Day: On the Road

June 21, 2021

in Limited Time Offers

On the RoadOn the Road by Jack Kerouac

⭐⭐⭐ TODAY ONLY ⭐⭐⭐
Over 2,400 5-Star Reviews!

On the Road chronicles Jack Kerouac’s years traveling the North American continent with his friend Neal Cassady, “a sideburned hero of the snowy West.”

As “Sal Paradise” and “Dean Moriarty,” the two roam the country in a quest for self-knowledge and experience. Kerouac’s love of America, his compassion for humanity, and his sense of language as jazz combine to make On the Road an inspirational work of lasting importance.

Kerouac’s classic novel of freedom and longing defined what it meant to be “Beat” and has inspired every generation since its initial publication more than fifty years ago.

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